Winter in London is proving to be much like Victoria... lots of rain, but no snow to be seen since our freak snow fall just after my arrival. Although it's not cold like other parts of the world, a good winter jacket is a definite must. I bought a nice wool jacket a couple weeks ago and have not regretted it for a moment.
Teaching has fairly steady this week. I had three days of work, but I took Friday off sick as I lost my voice at the end of teaching on Thursday. I had a lovely class of year fives on Wednesday outside of central London. They were really nice and well behaved. I have to say, though, I'm often amazed at some student's lack of knowledge about Canada. Each morning when I introduce myself I say that I'm from Canada and tell them how long it took me to get to London on an airplane and answer any questions they have about me or where I'm from. Well, in this year 5 class (so, 10 year olds), after lunch the kids were working nicely on some writing when suddenly one boy puts up his hand. I figure he has a question about the work so I go over to help him. When I get to his table he puts his hand up to his ear (mimicking a phone) and looks puzzled as he asks, "Miss, so did they call you in Canada this morning and tell you you had to come all the way to London to teach us?" I honestly could not think of anything intelligent to say to that, so I just laughed. The TA started laughing, looked at her watch and said, "Well, you'd better getting going now, Miss, if you want to be home for dinner!" Same kid, about twenty minutes later asks, "Miss, if we're good would you read us a story in 'Canadian'?" After a brief explanation that 'Canadian' is not a language, and that we speak English in Canada just like in England, he then asks, "Well then Miss, could you read us a story with your accent on?" My response: "Sure, I guess I can turn my accent 'on' for you guys... but only if you're really good for the rest of the afternoon." Suffice it to say, we had story time and I read Robert Munsch... with my accent on.